#19 A glimpse into a more just future: Los Cedros and the idea of Rights of Nature

The Los Cedros case is evidence that a more just future is possible. It
is a constructive story in times when we almost only get dystopian news
about the world we live in. It is a story humans need to not lose hope
in democracy and civil engagement. It shows us how powerful and
transforming civil society can be. How human rights and nature rights
are interconnected and how justice can be implemented.
The cloud forest of Los Cedros in Ecuador was the first case in which a
court clearly and irretrievable recognized the Rights of Nature. It
ruled in favor of the forest and against an open pit copper mine and
against its own government. This was only possible because a strong
social movement fought for it.
The Rights of Nature movement and within it the Los Cedros case are the
beginning of a revolution. They have the power to change everything. It
means to respect nature as a subject, as a being, as a partner and not
as an object, a commodity or a servant we can exploit and use as we
like. It is a world view. If we live by it it would change how we
organize our economy, our food supply, our transportation system, our
housing, everything.
In this episode we visit the cloud forest and talk to biologist Elisa
Levy-Ortiz who is a research coordinator in the Los Cedros nature
reserve and was part of the group that started the legal case and the
social movement around Los Cedros.
You’ll learn:
What is the magic behind the Rights of Nature concept, why is it relevant?
How could Rights of Nature dissolve the systems colonialism and
patriarchy brought us
What made the social movement around the Los Cedros case so successful
What does it need to implement justice and win a landmark court case
What is the connection between Rights of Nature and Human Rights
What is the connection between nature and justice
More information and connection:
Website of Los Cedros
OMASNE, Alianza de Organizaciones por los Derechos Humanos y de la
Naturaleza del Ecuador
GARN, Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature